Castro Frank “Street Stories”

Castro Frank’s “STREET STORIES”.
The collection of photographs chosen for this series, offers a raw powerful look into the residents of our city. Rather than leaning toward voyeurism, the subjects in Castro’s images are actively inviting the viewer into a rich, personal narrative.

Castro Frank is a photographer, B. August 28th 1983, in Los Angeles, CA. His style fuses a journalistic approach with an artistic eye to create imagery that is raw and speaks powerfully of our time. His compassion and empathy for the disenfranchised within our society has prompted him to capture them in such a way which attempts to restore the humanity and dignity of those often forgotten. The resulting images are a place where grit And beauty coexist. The impact of this juxtaposition is both Unexpected and profound.

The Ballad of Huck and Miguel

Linocut works by renowned Los Angeles printmaker Daniel González for the debut novel by Tim DeRoche, The Ballad of Huck & Miguel.

This event featured the release of 44 stunning signed and editioned linocut prints which Daniel created for the book. The images illustrate a modern retelling of Huckleberry Finn set in contemporary Los Angeles along the LA River. This will also be your only chance to pick up an advance copy of the hardcover book prior to the official publication release on February 18, 2018, the 133rd anniversary of the release of Mark Twain’s original.

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